Friday, May 25, 2007

One Day in a Small-Town Desert, chapter 7, page 5

(start of book) (start of chapter) (previous page)

Pí‘oro Kılímo strode down the hallway in Vata’s tiny slippers, suppressing a yawn. He was much too old to be up at this hour, no matter how many poor souls Vata found to help and teach the ways of Névazhíno.

Someone pounded on the front door. “For the last time, open up! Colonial Enforcers!”

Pí‘oro groaned and shook his head slowly. The victim in the back yard--whoever it was--would have to wait. Pí‘oro had to mollify the policeman before he broke down the door.

“I’m coming,” he called.

The Enforcer stopped pounding.

Pí‘oro crossed the tile entryway and stopped by the front door. Did he really want to open it? He’d look awfully suspicious if he didn’t, but he must surely look suspicious for carrying Bhanar inside.

Might as well try to get him to leave without opening the door. “My wife is taking care of the foreign kid,” he bellowed. “We’re safe in here, away from that crazy gunman Zhíno.” A thought struck him. “How do I know you’re an Enforcer and not Zhíno?”

The Enforcer sharply retorted, “Please open the door, Mr. Kılímo. This is Lieutenant Nıgédazo. Lieutenant Vorıso is here with me. Believe me: we are with the South Saírédí Colonial Enforcers. Now open this door!”

(next page)

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