Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One Day in a Small-Town Desert, chapter 6, page 7

(start of book) (start of chapter) (previous page)

Pí‘oro Kılímo held Bhanar steady on his shoulder as he walked up the driveway. The foreign kid’s rear end stuck up in the air, his broken legs dangling in front of Pí‘oro.

Bhanar seemed to have blacked out. He moaned occasionally, but was otherwise limp. Surely he’d survive long enough to get to the chapel. Vata had had plenty of time to prepare for the healing ceremony, so there wouldn’t be any waiting once he got the kid there. Soon they’d have Bhanar back on his feet and back to living his life as if nothing had happened, all thanks to the power of Névazhíno.

As Pí‘oro turned onto the cement path to the front door, he heard the Colonial Enforcer shout from the other end of the driveway.

“Hey! Stop right there! Where are you taking him?”

Without pausing or turning to face the Enforcer, Pí‘oro bellowed, “It’s not safe out here.”

Bhanar groaned.

The Enforcer yelled, “Stop! The ambulance will be here shortly. You can’t move him!”

Pí‘oro snorted a laugh. He obviously could move the kid. And Vata was going to heal up Bhanar better and quicker than any hospital ever could. This foreign kid had saved his life; there was no way he would let Bhanar live in pain for a month while his legs slowly healed. Not when he had a better way.
On top of that, Pí‘oro had an obligation to help those in need, no matter how much trouble the Enforcers were going to give him for it.

“Stop right there!”

Balancing Bhanar with one hand, Pí‘oro reached out and opened the front door.

If he hadn’t married Vata, he wouldn’t have this obligation to Névazhíno riling up the authorities. But if he hadn’t married Vata, he wouldn’t have had the happiest years of his life. There’s always a give and take.

Mindful of Bhanar’s head and broken legs, Pí‘oro stepped inside and slammed the door behind him.

(next page)

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