Monday, July 21, 2008

One Day in a Small-Town Desert, chapter 19, page 7

(start of book) (start of chapter) (previous page)

Zhíno Zhudıro needed to get out of the void. He could hear Pí‘oro and Fírí talking, preparing to ride, on the run from the police.

But once he got back to the real world, what would he do? Could they really escape the police? Could they really escape the long reach of Gogzhuè? It seemed so unlikely.

If he had his choice, he’d go back to the way it was before the void, when he could run free with the buffalo, fly with the eagles, swim with the sharks. If he had his choice, Fírí and Pí‘oro would be able to join him there for eternity.

The universe exploded in a flurry of colors, noise, and odors. Solar yellow and rotting fish and rushing wind and sharp teeth in his flank. Zhíno cried out, but he couldn’t hear himself.

Névazhíno coalesced before him, a buffalo with the head of an eagle. He snapped His several rows of teeth at Zhíno as He stalked in a circle.

Zhíno fell to his knees, staring at the god. Was this the end of his existence? Had Névazhíno come to punish him for undoing what He had done?

“Good day, Zhíno. Are you well?”

Slowly twisting around as he watched the god, the human fell on his side. “‘Well’? I am lost in an infinite void, safe from those who wish me harm, but also separated from those I love. Are You not going to kill me?” Zhíno paused. “I can’t think a thought without saying it.”

Névazhíno flicked His antlers, tossing His head. “I know. That’s the way it works.” He pounced forward, his muzzle stopping centimeters short of Zhíno’s face.

Zhíno yanked his head inside his hard shell, but couldn’t resist peeking another look at the god.

With gouts of hot, odiferous breath, Névazhíno growled, “You healed My sacrifice. I should kill you now, but I won’t. It’s what you think you want, to have your soul run free through the infinite universe--not that death would bring that to you--so that would hardly be a punishment. No, you have unfinished business in the physical realm. By sacrificing yourself, you were avoiding your responsibilities. By giving your lifeforce to Pí‘oro, you were avoiding dealing with the consequences of your decisions.”

Zhíno snarled and coiled around himself. “The Tara-fucking void should count as a consequence, don’t You think?”

The god’s spiked tail swung towards the small animal, four razor-sharp barbs aimed to gore.

“Wake up now,” demanded Névazhíno.

Zhíno burrowed deep into the ground, but not quick enough. The God of Animals snatched Zhíno’s hind legs with His powerful jaws.

No pain. No bones cracked. No flesh tore.

Instead, a jolt of energy washed through Zhíno’s body, electrifying each and every cell.

The wave subsided. A heavy weight pushed inexorably into his gut. His entire body ached. Birds twittered. A horse snorted. He licked his cracked lips and managed to open an eye. A wall of short brown hair--horse hair--greeted his gaze at the tip of his nose.

“Fírí,” he rasped. “Pí‘oro! I’m awake.”

(next page)

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