Monday, July 23, 2007

One Day in a Small-Town Desert, chapter 10, page 4

(start of book) (start of chapter) (previous page)

Pí‘oro Kılímo walked across the front room after locking the kitchen windows and the kitchen-garage door. Little Séara had finally stopped knocking. Either she’d left or she was just biding her time, unsure what to do.

He heard a man’s voice in front of the house, indistinct.

If Séara had run off to help chase Zhíno, that left the paramedics all alone out there. Which meant Pí‘oro could direct them to Bhanar, show them they’re not needed, and get rid of them before any police tried to get into the house. He’d have to tell them some story about Bhanar not being injured after all, that the Enforcer was mistaken. The kid was in a lot of pain, sure, but he didn’t break any bones!

All of this was based on the assumption that Vata had successfully healed the foreign kid and took him to the spare bedroom to sleep. If the bed was empty when he opened the bedroom door, Pí‘oro would have to think fast. Hopefully that blonde girl hadn’t distracted his wife from performing the ceremony. Hopefully neither of them would exit the secret door into the hallway when he had the medics right there.

Pí‘oro paused in the entryway and listened. Still just male voices outside. He reached out and opened the door.

The two medics turned to face him, a few meters away. Both had been facing to Pí‘oro’s left, at the front window, as if they were thinking about breaking in. Good thing I opened the door. We don’t need any more stuff damaged tonight.

Pí‘oro growled, “Are you coming in or not?”

They glanced to Pí‘oro’s left just before a burst of radio static came from that direction, followed by a scratchy voice announcing, “Aerial One is airborne. ETA to Tuhanı, nine minutes.”

Someone was there.

Séara stepped into view less than a meter from the door, her face tilted up higher than necessary and her typical smile nonexistent. “Yes, they’re coming in, Mr. Kılímo, and so am I.”

Aw, plagues. Now he had to get rid of the girl. Pí‘oro rubbed his forehead.

If he remembered correctly, Aerial One was the Pívo County Constabulary’s only helicopter. They were joining the hunt for Zhíno, which was what little Séara the lawman should be doing, too.

Pí‘oro shook his head. “No, darling, you’re not coming in. You’re here on business, so you can stay out. Next time, how about you visit when you’re not in uniform? For now, though, why don’t you go search for the murderer in my back yard with the Enforcers?”

The short brunette bit her lower lip for a couple seconds before replying, “You’re under arrest.”

Pí‘oro snorted a laugh. “What for?” She really wasn’t a very good policeman. Not even the Enforcer lieutenant had tried to arrest him yet.

Séara took a breath to retort something, but remained silent, her mouth partly open.

Behind her, one of the medics offered, “For the murder of that Colonial Enforcer! Now arrest him and let us get to the victim.”

The old man grinned widely. “You know I wouldn’t kill anybody, darling, don’t you?” He reached out his hand toward the medics. “Let me take them to the boy and you can get back to chasing the man who was shooting at Enforcers in my kitchen a few minutes ago.”

Séara chewed her lower lip again, stepping back slightly. The paramedics edged forward.

If she didn’t agree to this, maybe Pí‘oro should just let her in. It wasn’t as if little Séara would ever do anything to harm him and Vata. Séara didn’t know about the chapel, but she’d been in every other room in the house, which meant she wouldn’t be too nosy.

After a moment, the young woman exhaled sharply and snapped, “All right, take them to the victim without me, but I’m not leaving.”

(next page)

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