Wednesday, June 6, 2007

One Day in a Small-Town Desert, chapter 8, page 4

(start of book) (start of chapter) (previous page)

Pí‘oro Kılímo had had enough; he couldn’t stand there arguing with the Enforcers all night. Supposedly someone was in the back yard and he or she needed help. Vata probably was already getting upset that he hadn’t returned with her next subject by now.

“Look,” he called through the door. “I have something to take care of. Could you just wait a few minutes?”

“Mr. Kılímo,” replied one of the Enforcers. “The ambulance has just arrived. The medics will be here extremely shortly. Open this door!”

Pí‘oro looked at the curtains behind the television. Faint red and green flashes lit them up, but those were from the Enforcer cruisers. An ambulance’s lights would only add a bit more red. The Enforcer might be lying, using any means necessary to get inside and arrest everybody involved in any way with the death of that other Enforcer. The Enforcers would arrest Pí‘oro, Bhanar, and anyone else they could find, all because that Zhíno punk had picked this house to start shooting in front of.

Which meant the lieutenant would want to search the house, top to bottom. If the police found the chapel, Pí‘oro and Vata would get arrested for crimes they did commit. Pí‘oro always knew the risk existed, but it was worth it for all the help they gave to society--or so Vata said.

“Open the door, now!”

If the paramedics had actually arrived, Pí‘oro couldn’t do anything to keep them out. They weren’t the police; they wouldn’t be searching the house. But with the door open, the Enforcers probably would come swarming in, anyway.

Pí‘oro rubbed his forehead and placed his other hand on the door knob. It was too late to keep them out of the house. Now he had to attempt to control their visit.

“I’m going to open the door. You, the police, still can’t come in.” As if that’ll stop them.

Pí‘oro turned the knob.

(next page)

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